
Zing Electronic Meeting System

Strategic visioning. Zing allows the group to pursue an issue up to eight layers deep. Layer one can provide the ‘Aims’, layer two the various ‘Objectives’ under each of these ‘Aims’ and layer three can ask the simple questions: “What are we doing now?” and “What could we be doing in the next five years?”

Problem solving is a daily occupation for any business that professes to be a ‘learning organisation’. Zing allows everyone to get their ideas down within a framework that leads to resolution and action.

Knowledge management and knowledge capture are constant challenges within organisations that want to grow and to survive. How often the organisational history and intellectual property or practice wisdom is allowed to retire with our people. Zing processes allow groups to learn and grow.

Complicated configurations are a thing of the past, just picture twelve tables of six people tackling twelve different perspectives around a main theme concurrently in a way that can capture and process hundreds of inputs within a limited amount of time. What about eight such groups linked online across the nation?

Online or onsite focus groups. Zing technology allows you to bring in your top clients and invite them to tell you, in their own words, just how you can serve their needs better.